IProject Management, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.

Consultancy Division

Training Division.
A Health and Safety Audit of workplaces and their associated operations is a way of periodically checking if and how they are complying with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health
Act, 2007
Environmental Auditing
An Environmental Audit (EA) is the systematic documentation, periodic and objective evaluation of activities and processes of an operating business, to establish if the business complies with environmental requirements and is enforcing legislation.
This is done in order to ensure that occupiers always provide safe and fire risk
reduced work environment for workers, neighbors and other stakeholders besides benefiting the surrounding environment.
This includes:-
- OSH Training for committee members
- First Aid Training
- Basic Fire Safety Training
- Food Safety Audits and Training
Risk Assessments
Risk assessment is a process in which hazard are evaluated. These evaluations determine whether an exposed population is at greater-than-expected risk of injury, and/or ill-health, or whether there
will be equipment and machinery damage that leads to lost production etc
At Diligence Consultants Limited, we are guided by the core values of: –
• Professionalism • Clients satisfaction • Integrity • Transparency and Accountability • Partnership • Recognition of local capacity.
what our customers have to say about Diligence Consultants Limited
Your commitment, passion, and delivery were really amazing. We had a great start and the speed as well as intensity with which we rolled out nationally over 3 years was unbelievable.
It was a HUGE success! Rating a 5.73 on a scale of 6.0 – the highest rating a training program has gotten here.
Thank you so much for the great training!